We all do “it”. What is the “it”? It’s the self doubt and negative talk that we play over and over in our head. It’s this thinking that holds us back and prevents us from offering our talents and gifts to the world. Stop the self doubt, stop the negative talk, and stop denying the world your gifts! Get out of your head, and change the world. Now … Right Now! Today!
Accept that you, yes you, have talents and gifts to share with the world. You were born with them. When you made your entry into this physical world, it was already decided that you were being sent here for a season and a reason. You were not overlooked when the talents were passed out. Every human being has a unique gift or talent. When you entertain the thought that you have no gifts or talents, know that that’s the negative talk and the negative forces at work to deprive the world of you gifts. Don’t allow the critic in you head to hold you back from making the world better by sharing and inspiring people with your gifts and talents.
If you don’t know what your gift or talent is, then you haven’t taken the time to explore and discover them. Ask yourself, “If you had all the money you needed and money was no longer an issue, what would you be doing with your life”? What is it, that when you’re doing it, you have to make yourself stop, time seems to fly and you never get tired of doing it. If after asking these questions, you still don’t know what your gifts are, take a day, spend it with yourself with no cell phone, no computer, no tablet, no electronic anything. Just you, yourself and your surroundings. Sit in stillness and communicate with yourself until you’ve discovered your talent.
Your talent is yours, its your gift. Don’t compare it to anybody or anything else. It may not be the cure to some awful dreaded disease, or be a remedy for global warming. It is nonetheless, needed. Don’t downplay its significance and contribution to the world. There is only one of you. You’re one of a kind so whatever your gift is, nobody else in the world can do it like you. That’s the beauty of you being you, to share with the world your gifts and talents with your flare and your style. The world needs you. If not now, when? This is your time to change the world by sharing your gifts and talents. NO more excuses. The world needs you, wants you. What are you waiting on? As Nike says, “Just Do It”.
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